Odds & Ends

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Hello All,

I wanted to use this blog post to facilitate access to information about a potpourri of sources and events that may be of interest to some of you  .  .  .

— Dennis P. Ryan’s 1975 booklet, New Jersey During the American Revolution, A Chronology – 1763 to 1783 (now out of print) can be downloaded from the NJ State Library page at this link.

— A series of twenty-eight New Jersey’s Revolutionary Experience pamphlets (also out-of-print), which were published by the New Jersey Historical Commission to commemorate the Bicentennial of the Revolution, can be viewed at this link.

— In keeping with the observance of Black History Month, February 11, 2025 was designated 1st Rhode Island Regiment/Black Regiment Day pursuant to resolutions adopted by the Rhode Island Senate and House of Representatives to commemorate the contribution of Black soldiers during the Revolutionary War.

— For Central Jersey history aficionados or fans of Founding Father John Hart of Hopewell (c.1713-1779), an article by Patrick H. Ryan, Tracing the Central Jersey Roots of John Hart, Signer of the Declaration of Independence, appeared in the free email newsletter from TAPinto Princeton on February 14.

— Washington Crossing State Park (NJ) is undergoing a dramatic transformation that will include the opening of a new visitor center next year, as described here.

An Evening with Rick Atkinson, to be held at Washington Crossing Historic Park (PA), on June 10 from 7 to 9 pm, will feature a discussion by the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of his new book, The Fate of the Day—the second volume in his Revolution trilogy—and the signing of books purchased in connection with this event.

— Finally, I’m scheduled to talk about two of my books and sign copies per below:

  • The Battle of Harlem Heights, 1776, at a Lecture & Book Signing sponsored by the Lehigh Valley Heritage Museum, 432 W. Walnut St., Allentown, PA, on March 29 at 1 pm; and
  • my new book, Winning the Ten Crucial Days, at Living History Day: Celebrating America’s Independence sponsored by Washington Crossing Historic Park, on July 4, in the Visitor Center auditorium—with an initial presentation at 2 pm and an encore at 4 pm. (Please note: the entire Independence Day event is from 12:30 to 4 pm.) This begs the question whether giving two talks in one day about the Ten Crucial Days will reduce me to a tense, crucial daze.

There you have it. Hope you enjoy (or endure, as the case may be) the final days of winter.