
Email:  [email protected]

Email Excerpts

"With your talent, I hope you continue to write. You are a terrific writer. I enjoy your style, and I always learn so much."
—ROGER S. WILLIAMS, Vice-Chairman, History Committee, National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution and cofounder of (March 13, 2025)

"I've enjoyed the articles you've written for Journal of the American Revolution as well as the content of your blog, "Speaking of Which."
—CYNTHIA BAUDENDISTEL, cofounder of Discover Concord magazine (March 13, 2025)

"I am an admirer of your Revolutionary publications and contributions, especially in the Journal of the American Revolution which I read assiduously each week."
—RICK GEFFKEN, author of Stories of Slavery in New Jersey (February 24, 2025) 

"As always, David Price is first rate!"
—TIM WEST, Trustee, Washington Crossing Park Association of New Jersey (January 18, 2025) - commenting on David's blog post about the Swan Historical Foundation

"Hello David: I’m generally not good about leaving comments, but ‘tis the season to express thanks, so the spirit has moved me to comment on the Speaking of Which post of Nov. 26, 2024. I am thankful that you and, according to the excerpt you have shared, Michael Hattem thought to remind us that 'revising the past is an important and long-standing American political tradition.' When a person learns what has happened in the past, it allows them the opportunity to find their place in it and draw a connection to the country in which they live. Today, it also is important to remember that it is our responsibility, as citizens of a country that recognizes and protects the God-given rights of its citizens, to respect the rights of other citizens to form and speak their own opinions. Respect for and protection of these rights are the values that bind us together as a country; disagreements about historical interpretations shouldn’t diminish that or create an 'us v. them' mentality. Let this conclusion come through loud and clear in everyone’s interpretation of American History."
—JOHN McQUARRIE, retired history teacher, Notre Dame High School, Lawrenceville, NJ (November 27, 2024) - commenting on David's blog post about The Memory of '76: The Revolution in American History by Michael D. Hattem

"We couldn't be happier with the way your appearance went. You made a great impression on the attendees, I got great feedback."
—DON KORYTOWSKI, following David's talk at Historic Summerseat, Morrisville, PA (November 11, 2024)

"My wife and I were on your 3:30 tour on Saturday. We really enjoyed it and I am looking forward to your book release."
—GIUSEPPE ABBONDANDOLO, following a tour at Washington Crossing Historic Park (September 22, 2024)

"You did a great job! Everybody loved your talk!! So glad you could come!."
—KIM BURDICK, M.A., M.P.A., Founder of the American Revolution Round Table of Northern Delaware and author of Revolutionary Delaware: Independence in the First State - following David's talk at the Hale Byrnes House, Newark, DE (September 15, 2024)

"Thanks so much, David. Your kind words mean so much to me, particularly coming from someone who has done so much to commemorate those who risked everything to establish our nation and who has written so well and movingly about them. I am certainly not a student of military history, and have often found the technicality of military history books to be rather off putting. However, your books made the strategies and movements on the battlefield during the "ten crucial days" both understandable and real to me and to the many others who have enjoyed your books. You have done an outstanding job of breathing life into what have so often previously come across as arrows and flanking movements on maps and conveyed them instead as the struggles of real men engaged in an epic cause."
—SAMUEL C. SLAYMAKER, Executive Director, Historic Rock Ford (home of General Edward Hand, 1744-1802), Lancaster, PA (August 30, 2024) - replying to David's comments on Sam's 
retirement from his position at Rock Ford

"Love your writing."
—ARALYN HUGHES, Austin, TX  (August 27, 2024)

"I was a guest on the Princeton Battlefield tour today and I enjoyed myself and learned a thank you!"
—JOSHUA SEERY  (August 11, 2024)

"Thanks for the information about your soon-to-be released book--sounds fascinating! The reviewers certainly had great comments and piqued my interest."
—DICK PAUL, President, Cascade Centennial Chapter, Washington State Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, in regard to David's upcoming book, Winning the Ten Crucial Days: The Keys to Victory in George Washington's Legendary Winter Campaign (July 8, 2024)

"Congratulations on the long list of glowing recommendations and praise of your book!"
—ROBERT WONG, North Jersey American Revolution Round Table Board Member, commenting on Winning the Ten Crucial Days (July 8, 2024)

"Pretty cool sounding book! I can’t wait to get a copy to add to my collection of your books!"
—WILLIAM HAMPTON, Past President, Washington Crossing Chapter, Pennsylvania Society Sons of the American Revolution, commenting on Winning the Ten Crucial Days (July 8, 2024)

"I finished reading through your manuscript late yesterday. Let me offer you my congratulations. Well-done, indeed!!!.... you have provided a thoughtful study that should lead to a successful publication."
—JAMES KIRBY MARTIN, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of History, University of Houston and author of Insurrection: the American Revolution and Its Meaning, commenting on the manuscript for Winning the Ten Crucial Days (February 14, 2024)

"Just a short note to thank you for spending your time and expertise in making a fascinating presentation to our SAR Cascade Centennial Chapter today. All of us left with a much better understanding of the Battle of Assunpink Creek and its strategic importance to America's ultimate victory in the Revolutionary War. You are clearly an authority on the topic and covered the various considerations of this battle beautifully. It certainly fulfilled one of my goals as chapter president to have programs at our chapter meetings that relate directly to the Revolutionary War and are presented by subject matter experts. "
—DICK PAUL, President, Cascade Centennial Chapter, Washington State Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (February 3, 2024)

"Great to hear all the neat stuff coming up at the Crossing sites! Looking forward to the upcoming book. Thanks for all you do!"
—MARK MALOY, author of Victory or Death: The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, December 25, 1776—January 3, 1777 (January 17, 2024) - commenting on David's blog post, "Washington Crossing State Park - History is in its Future"

"I would like to thank you for the great comments on the NJ park. They were well done and the WCPA really appreciated it."
—STAN SAPERSTEIN, Trustee, Washington Crossing Park Association of New Jersey (January 13, 2024) - commenting on the same blog post

"Excellent article. Bravo!!!!! Well written."
—DR. GLORIA LESTER, Honorary State Regent, Delaware Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution (October 4, 2023) - commenting on David's article in the Summer 2023 Swan Historical Foundation newsletter, "John Haslet: Service, Sacrifice, and the Spirit of 1776" 

"This is an impressive piece of scholarship. I doubt that the average reader would spend the time I did reading the Notes and Bibliography, but reading between the well-crafted lines I could not help but appreciate the determined tedium that must have gone into searching all of those quality sources to reference and support with quotes and landmarks the action you were explaining."
—JOHN McQUARRIE, retired history teacher, Notre Dame High School, Lawrenceville, NJ (May 7, 2023) - commenting on The Battle of Harlem Heights, 1776 

"I'm writing to say I love The Battle of Harlem Heights.... Even though I've read just about everything on the battle and have led walking tours over its landscape, I learned a great deal from your book (and confirmed a few things that I wasn't quite sure about). Anyways, kudos and thank you for writing such a well-written and researched book."
—MARK SATLOF, Battle of Harlem Heights tour guide (April 26, 2023)

"I love your most recent JAR article on 'Perspectives on the Ten Crucial Days.'  It is extremely well done. It does give us a new perspective with all those quotes together in one place. I have all your books and your JAR articles. You do a wonderful job."
—GARY LLOYD COLES, member, Pennsylvania Society Sons of the American Revolution (March 7, 2023) 

"Thanks for the great presentation at the Lawrence Historical Society's Annual Meeting. You succeeded in literally bringing the Revolutionary War home for us Lawrenceville residents in attendance."
—JOHN McQUARRIE, retired history teacher, Notre Dame High School, Lawrenceville, NJ (February 28, 2023)

"Thanks again for agreeing to speak! We had very positive feedback from all our guests."
—JOSEPH M. CICCONE, President, Lawrence Historical Society (February 28, 2023)

"Thanks so much for being willing to come and share with us Tuesday evening at our Washington Crossing SAR Chapter dinner meeting. All the feedback has been very, very positive. You have the gift of expression, both as a writer and a speaker!"
—WILLIAM HAMPTON, President, Washington Crossing Chapter, Pennsylvania Society Sons of the American Revolution (October 13, 2022)

"I just wanted to thank you now for joining our book study group tonight. Everyone really enjoyed your book, and it was an honor to speak with you 'in person.'"
—DEBORAH ST. JEAN, member, Colonel John Haslet Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (June 2, 2022)

"We really appreciated your very informative talk and your entertaining sense of humor."
—FERN SLOM, Program Manager, The Present Day Club, Princeton, NJ (April 14, 2022)

"I wanted to tell you that your book, The Road to Assunpink Creek, has been very helpful to me. My great, great, great grandfather was at the Cannonade of Trenton and the Battle of Princeton as a member of the Northumberland Militia. Your book helped me to flesh out the details of his participation and verify what he said in his deposition for pension. Thank you so much for your detailed account of Trenton and Princeton." 
—JANICE HILL (December 21, 2021)

"I encourage all of you to check out David's work, and want to thank him for his contributions to our field as well as his ambassadorship for the park." 
—JENNIFER MARTIN, Executive Director, The Friends of Washington Crossing Park (FWCP) - to David and other FWCHP staff (November 22, 2021)

Other Correspondence Received

"Thank your so much for presenting to my chapter. Your virtual presentation was a big hit. It was a real pleasure to have a historian share their passion and interest with our members."
—ANGELA O'CONNOR, Regent, Governor William Paca Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution - greeting card (December 2021)

"Thanks for your support for Rock Ford and for the fine scholarship and work that you have done to ensure that, at long last, Edward Hand is getting the recognition that he deserves!"
—SAMUEL C. SLAYMAKER, III, Executive Director, Historic Rock Ford, Lancaster, PA (site of the General Edward Hand Mansion) - letter (June 2021)

"Your scholarship on the ‘ten crucial days’ is truly impressive. As much as the people enjoyed your knowledge, they were equally captivated by your extremely effective style of communication.... Your presentation made for a truly exceptional day. People seriously enjoyed your talk. Some said they follow you wherever you go in order to hear you speak."
—JOSEPH GARRERA, Executive Director, Lehigh Valley Heritage Museum, Allentown, PA - letter (November 8, 2019)

Comments on David's Blog Speaking of Which  

"Revolutionary history in short pieces that are accurate, offbeat, slyly humorous, entertaining, and always informative. This best describes David Price's Speaking of Which blog posts. Subscribe and enjoy."
—BILL WELSCH, President, American Revolution Round Table of Richmond and cofounder of the Congress of American Revolution Round Tables 

"David's blog posts are informative and enjoyable to read, and I think they're extremely valuable in terms of spreading awareness about our Revolutionary heritage."
—JENNIFER MARTIN, Executive Director, The Friends of Washington Crossing Park

"David Price's insights are well researched and thought-provoking. I highly recommend adding his Speaking of Which blog to your list of worthy Rev War must-reads."
—ROGER S. WILLIAMS, Vice-Chair, History Committee, National Society of the Sons of the American  Revolution

"While writing my novel, your blog provided a lot of information and the answers to many of my questions. It is also written in such a way that it is simply a delight to read. Informative and entertaining!"
—JEFFREY EVAN BROOKS, author of So Unexpected A Moment: A Novel of the Revolutionary War

"Your blog posts are great. I thank you for sharing them with us."
—WILLIAM TRAUBEL, Trustee, Swan Historical Foundation

"I appreciate all the information you provide in your blog. I must say, you are a wealth of knowledge."
—SAMUEL DAVIS, General George Washington reenactor

“We have become fans of David's blog posts. They have proven to be very interesting and informative. We look forward to his next one.”
—TOM AND BUNKIE MADDOCK, Historical Interpreters, Washington Crossing Historic Park

“David provides unique insights into the people and events that shaped the War for Independence. His books and writings open new doors for both the serious and casual student of history, and help interpret the American Revolution through a twenty-first-century lens.”
—JOE CAMARATTA, Historical Interpreter, Washington Crossing Historic Park

“I just subscribed to your blog and must thank you for your passion and body of work. As a student of history and having created an extensive genealogy, your books and published articles greatly compliment my understanding of my family’s journey during this period. It’s one thing to see names on muster returns and read their pension files. A far more complete story emerges when analyzed with the correct interpretation of events.”

“I am a subscriber to your blog. The recent one about the post-war lives of the recognizable names of the Continental Army was very interesting. I look forward to the reference to [Thomas Black’s Edward Hand marker/Eagle Scout] project in your future blog.”
—JOHN McQUARRIE, retired history teacher, Notre Dame High School, Lawrenceville, NJ

“We have really enjoyed your blog posts.”
—BECKY AND COLIN STUART, 2017 Volunteers of the Year, Washington Crossing Historic Park

“Your post on Tom Maddock was inspiring and well-presented. The recognition of individuals who are most deserving is always a welcomed honor. I look forward to receiving these posts and more importantly, find them refreshing and engaging. I also want to thank you for the knowledge and passion exhibited in your several books.”

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